Thursday, October 30, 2008

My First Piano Lesson

My first piano lesson was yesterday. And I am having a lot of fun with it. I cannot wait to get my school done so I can go play it over at the church building. It is so much fun. Wednesday I learned middle B, C, D, and E out of A, B, C, D, E, F and G. And I learned what a whole note is, a half note and a quarter note. I learned what a treble clef is and what a bass (base) cleft is . I learned what a staff is and what bar lines are. A few little songs I learned were The Train, The Seabees, Grandfather's Clock, Moccasin Dance, March of the Gnomes, Dance of the Gnomes, Mary Had a Little lamb and Birthday Party. It was so fun. I want to learn more next Wednesday.


CDJ said...

How exciting!!! Who is your teacher? I wish I were there so we could play duets. Playing the piano is STILL one of my favorite things to do, so keep up the good work. I love you bunches!

Amy B from Bullard said...

I always wanted to learn to play the piano. That is so exciting.