Saturday, May 3, 2008

My Friend Barbara

My friend Barbra is the best friend ever. She's all grown up but still a kid if you know what I mean. She jumps on the trampoline, she hangs out with us kids, she colors with us and she stays up until three in the morning with me. Once she invited me over to the Bender's where she was housesitting with her sister Kacey. That was when we stayed up until three in the morning. We had one of the jar like things of jelly beans from Costco. Well any way that was about 1/2 way full and when we were done eating them we could see the bottom. We had a bowl of cereal with a lot of sugar on top. And we had a bag of mixed candy from Costco and it was about 1/2 way gone too. We ate all that in one night. I am sure that we ate something else too. I cannot wait until Barbra, Kacey and I housesit at the Bender's again.She left a comment on my post about My Powerful Papa and asked, "Am I not a good enough friend?" So I had to type about her.
Barbra you are a good enough friend for me.


Barbara said...

Awww!! Thanks hun! Though I don't remember eating so many jelly beans. I do remember some cheese...
Anyway, I can't wait 'til Wednesday!

Libby said...

Yum! Jellybeans! =)

Kacey said...

Yeah, it's about time you and I have another date...You are a pretty special friend. Me next?

Michele @ Frugal Granola said...

What a fun blog about Barbara! Reading it makes me miss her even more. :) You have a very fun blog, Cayla! I hope you had a happy birthday.