Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Two days ago my mom and I went to Kaija's with some friends. One of moms friend's friend had a question about her bird. If you like the outdoors, reptiles, rodents, fish and birds you would love this store. I do love all those things. Now I know why when mom is in a hurry to get home and she has to pick something up from Kaija's, she never takes me in with her. I could spend hours in Kaija's. A couple of the things I did while at Kaija's...

I got to hold a rat

I got pecked by a chick

I held a cat

I looked at the turtles

I looked at a huge leopard gecko

I got to pet a bunny

I got to pet a geanui pig

And last but not least, I got to pet a duck. It was really funny because when the worker man went to get one of the ducks they all went crazy and started running around in their cage


Heath Clan said...

that was a weird story have a nice day from caleb heath

Libby said...

I love pet stores! It's like a free mini zoo. =) lol