Thursday, February 26, 2009

Will Spring Ever Come?

Here is a picture of our front yard on the 26th of February. Does God have a sense of humor or not? I'm pretty sure that He does. How about you? I think it is so pretty to look at, but I am truly tired of snow. I would not mind snow if it was could grow, I could ride my horse, we could plant a garden, and last but not least go bare foot. Then I would not mind the snow at all. Guess what? While I'm sitting here typing it is snowing very little flakes outside. Once again I say God has a sense of humor.

Monday, February 9, 2009

30 Random Questions for my 30th Blog

#1 What is your favorite color?

#2 What is your favorite animal?

#3 Do you have your ears pierced?

#4 When is your birthday?

#5 Are you married?

#6 Do you have any children?

#7 If many children do you have?

#8 What is your favorite holiday?

#9 Do you have any pets?

#10 If yes...what pets do you have?

#11 Do you love me?

#12 What is your favorite ice cream?

#13 What color is your hair?

#14 Do you want it to snow?

#15 Are you instrumental?

#16 What is your favorite fruit?

#17 What do you do for a living?

#18 Do you have a favorite candy

#19 If yes...what is it?

#20 Are you a Christian?

#21 Do you know what you are having for dinner?

#22 If yes...what are you having?

#23 What color are your eyes?

#24 Do you do school?

#25 If yes...what is your favorite subject?

#26 Do you have an iPod?

#27 Do you live in Randle?

#28 Do you like where you live?

#29 Do you have snow at your house?

#30 What question do you have for me?